Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Let Down

Well Topless Tuesday was a complete flop with no enthusiasm from anyone. Perhaps todays scheduled activities should be cancelled due to lack of interest or inspiration. I cant say the rest of the week looks too bright either.
To think I bared my body for you all as well. Shame on you.

On a happier note (for me anyway) I'm off to a party on Saturday. You lot arent invited. Not after that lacklustre response.
No. I'm sorry. You had your chance. I'm going on my own now. You should have thought of that earlier. I shall have a great time, sinking countless Bacardi and Tizers and flirting outrageously with all the women before staggering home in the wee small hours.
Have a nice day.


  1. You should know that women need more advance notice for that sort of stuff. :)

    (I know, it's a lame excuse)

  2. Whatever happened to spontaneity?
    Thanks Spring Flower. At least I now know that somebody actually read it.
    Doing anything Saturday night?....

  3. What's up with taking Doris along?

  4. Anyway, sorry we let you down over topless Tuesday. Tell ya, all I could find was a topless biro! Maybe tomorrow will bring you something a little different ;-)

  5. Sorry Leah but HNT is so passe these days. Some of us have moved on.
    I couldnt take Doris on Saturday night. She's an animal with a drink inside her. No man, woman or beast would be safe.
